Chevrolet Sonic manuals

Chevrolet Sonic Repair Manual: Electronic Brake Control Module Programming and Setup

Chevrolet Sonic Repair Manual / Chassis / Brake Control and Vehicle Dynamics / Dynamics Control / Electronic Brake Control Module Programming and Setup


  • DO NOT program a control module unless directed to by a service procedure or a service bulletin. If the ECU is not properly configured with the correct calibration software, the ECU will not control all of the vehicle features properly.
  • Ensure the programming tool is equipped with the latest software and is securely connected to the data link connector. If there is an interruption during programming, programming failure or ECU damage may occur.
  • Turn OFF or disable systems that may put a load on the vehicles battery such as; interior lights, exterior lights (including daytime running lights), HVAC, radio, etc.
  • During the programming procedure, follow the SPS prompts for the correct ignition switch position.
  • Clear DTCs after programming is complete. Clearing powertrain DTCs will set the Inspection/Maintenance (I/M) system status indicators to NO.
Replace and Program Electronic Brake Control Module or Reprogram Electronic Brake Control Module

To program a replacement or an existing Electronic Brake Control Module, perform the following procedure:

  1. Access the Service Programming System (SPS) and follow the on-screen instructions.
  2. On the SPS Supported Controllers screen, select Electronic Brake Control Module-Programming and follow the on-screen instructions.
  3. On the SPS Supported Controllers screen, select Electronic Brake Control Module-Setup and follow the on-screen instructions.
  4. On the SPS Supported Controllers screen, select Electronic Brake Control Module-Configuration and follow the on-screen instructions.
  5. At the end of programming, choose the “Clear All DTCs” function on the SPS screen.
  6. With a scan tool, access the Electronic Brake Control Module, Configuration/Reset Functions, Steering Wheel Angle Sensor Learn. Refer to Steering Angle Sensor Centering.
  7. With a scan tool, access the Electronic Brake Control Module, Configuration/Reset Functions, Yaw Rate Sensor Learn. Refer to Vehicle Yaw Sensor Learn.
Unsuccessful Programming Recovery

In the event of an interrupted or unsuccessful programming event, perform the following steps:

  1. DO NOT turn the Ignition OFF. Ensure that all ECU, DLC and programming tool connections are secure and the TIS terminal operating software is up to date.
  2. Attempt to reprogram the ECU.
  3. If the ECU can still not be programmed, turn the Ignition OFF for at least one minute.
  4. Turn the Ignition ON, and attempt to reprogram the ECU. The ECU should program.
  • If the ECU still cannot be programmed, replace the ECU.
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