Tire and Wheel Assembly Balancing - On-Vehicle
Special Tools
EL-38792-A Electronic Vibration Analyzer (EVA) 2
If after following the tire and wheel vibration diagnostic process, some amount
of tire and wheel vibration is still evident, an on-vehicle high-speed spin balancer
may be used to perform an on-vehicle balance in an attempt ...
Throttle Body Heater Inlet Hose Replacement (LUW)
Throttle Body Heater Inlet Hose Replacement
Component Name
Preliminary Procedure
Remove the air cleaner outlet duct. Refer to Air Cleaner Outlet
Duct Replacement.
Drain the cooling system. Refer to Cooling System ...
3-5-Reverse and 4-5-6 Clutch Housing, and Input, Reaction, and Output Carrier
3-5-Reverse and 4-5-6 Clutch Housing, and Input, Reaction, and Output
Carrier Installation
Component Name
3? Reverse and 4?? Clutch Housing Thrust Bearing
2? Clutch Apply Plate ...