Chevrolet Sonic manuals

Chevrolet Sonic Repair Manual: Oil Sump/Pan

Oil Pressure Relief Valve Replacement
Removal Procedure Remove the oil pan. Refer to Oil Pan Replacement. Remove the oil pressure relief valve closure bolt (1). Remove the oil pressure relief valve a ...

Oil Pan Cleaning and Inspection
Warning: Wear safety glasses when using compressed air in order to prevent eye injury. Caution: To ensure proper engine lubrication, clean clogged or contaminated oil ga ...

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Horns System Description and Operation
System Description The horn system consists of the following components: HORN fuse Underhood fuse block (contains PCB horn relay) Horn switch Horn Body control module (BCM) K84Keyless Entry Control ModuleS33Horn SwitchK73Telematics Communication In ...

Front End Inflatable Restraint Discriminating Sensor Replacement
Front End Inflatable Restraint Discriminating Sensor Replacement Callout Component Name Warning: Refer to SIR Warning. Warning: Refer to SIR Inflator Module Handling and Storage Warning. Warning: ...

Cylinder Head Disassemble
Special Tools EN-840 Pliers/Remover EN-8062 Valve Spring Compressor EN-8062-5 Adapter EN-50717-2 Compressor Assembly of EN-50717 Kit For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools. Install the EN-50717?E assembly (1) to the EN-8062 compressor (4). Install the E ...

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