Chevrolet Sonic manuals

Chevrolet Sonic Repair Manual: Tire Inspection

We recommend that the tires, including the spare tire, if the vehicle has one, be inspected for signs of wear or damage at least once a month.

Replace the tire if:

Tire Inflation Description
When you inflate the tires to the recommended inflation pressures, the factory-installed wheels and tires are designed in order to handle loads to the tire's rated load capacity. Incorrect tir ...

Tire Pressure Indicator Sensor Learn
Special Tools EL-46079 Tire Pressure Monitor Diagnostic Tool EL-50448 Tire Pressure Monitor Sensor Activation Tool For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools. Learn Mode Descr ...

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Fuel System Cleaning
Note: If the fuel filter is plugged, the fuel tank should be inspected internally and cleaned if necessary. Drain the fuel tank. Refer to  Fuel Tank Draining. Remove the fuel pump module assembly. Refer to  Fuel Tank Fuel Pump Module Replacement. Inspect the f ...

Transmission Fluid Pump Disassemble (6T40/45/50)
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