Chevrolet Sonic manuals

Chevrolet Sonic Repair Manual: Tire Pressure Indicator Sensor Learn

Chevrolet Sonic Repair Manual / Chassis / Wheels/Tires / TPMS / Tire Pressure Indicator Sensor Learn

Special Tools

For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools.

Learn Mode Description

The tire pressure monitor system uses the instrument cluster, body control module (BCM), 4 radio frequency transmitting pressure sensors, and the serial data circuit to perform the tire pressure monitor learn mode functions. The sensor learn procedure must be performed after every tire rotation, BCM replacement, or sensor replacement. Once the Learn mode has been enabled, each of the sensors unique identification codes can be learned into the BCM memory. When a sensor ID has been learned, the BCM sounds a horn chirp indicating the sensor has transmitted its ID and the BCM has received and learned it. The BCM must learn the sensor IDs in the proper sequence to determine correct sensor location. The first learned ID is assigned to the left front location, the second to right front, the third to right rear and the fourth to left rear. The turn signals will individually illuminate indicating which location is to be learned in the proper sequence.

Sensor Functions Using EL-46079, EL-50448, or Equivalent

Each sensor has an internal low frequency coil. When the tire pressure monitor special tool is used in activate mode, it produces a low frequency transmission that activates the sensor. The sensor responds to a low frequency activation by transmitting in Learn Mode-Remotely Triggered. When the BCM receives a learn mode transmission while in Learn mode, it will assign that sensors ID to the location on the vehicle relative to the order in which it was learned.

Learn Mode Cancellation

The Learn mode will cancel if the ignition is cycled to OFF or if more than 2 minutes has elapsed for any sensor that has not been learned. If the relearn mode is cancelled before the first sensor is learned, the original sensor IDs will be maintained. If the relearn mode is canceled after the first sensor is learned, the following will occur:

  • All stored sensor IDs will be invalidated in the BCM memory.
  • If equipped, the driver information center will display dashes instead of tire pressures.
  • DTC C0775 will be set.

These conditions will now require the Learn procedure to be repeated for the system to function properly.

Tire Pressure Monitor Learn Procedure


In the event when a particular sensor is activated and the horn does not chirp, it may be necessary to rotate the wheel valve stem to a different position due to the sensor signal is being blocked by another component.

  1. Apply park brake (manual transmission only).
  2. Ignition ON, using a scan tool or driver information center buttons (refer to owners manual), initiate the Tire Pressure Sensors Learn mode. A double horn chirp will sound indicating the Learn mode has been enabled. The left front turn signal will also be illuminated.
  3. Starting with the left front tire, active the sensor by holding the antenna of the tire pressure monitor special tool aimed upward against the tire sidewall close to the wheel rim at the valve stem location. Press and release the activate button. Ensure that the transmit indicator on the special tool indicates that the sensor activation signal is being transmitted. Wait for a horn chirp. If the horn does not chirp, repeat the sensor activation sequence with the tool. Once the horn chirp has sounded, the sensor information is learned and the turn signal in the next location to be learned will illuminate.
  4. After the horn chirp has sounded and the right front turn signal is illuminated, repeat step 3 for the remaining 3 sensors in the following order:
    1. Right front
    2. Right rear
    3. Left rear
  5. When the left rear sensor has been learned and a double horn chirp has sounded, the learn process is complete and the BCM exits the Learn mode.
Special Tools
Illustration Tool Number/Description EL 46079 Tire Pressure Monitor Diagnostic Tool el50448oec-t5 ...

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