As vehicle speed increases and operating conditions become appropriate, the transmission control module (TCM) processes input signals from the automatic transmission input and output speed sensors, the throttle position sensor and other vehicle sensors to determine the precise moment to command OFF the normally-low 26 pressure control solenoid. At the same time the 35R pressure control solenoid is also commanded ON to regulate 3-5 clutch apply, and the transmission shifts into Third gear. The manual valve remains in the Drive (D) position and line pressure continues to feed the drive fluid circuit.
35R Pressure Control (PC) Solenoid
The 35R PC solenoid is commanded ON, allowing actuator feed limit fluid to enter the PCS 35 reverse clutch fluid circuit. PCS 35 reverse clutch fluid is routed through orifice #26 to the 3-5-reverse clutch regulator valve.
3-5-Reverse Clutch Regulator Valve
PCS 35 reverse clutch fluid, at the 3-5-reverse clutch regulator valve, opposes 3-5-reverse clutch regulator valve spring force and 35 reverse clutch feedback fluid pressure to regulate 35 reverse clutch feed/drive 1-6 pressure into the 35 reverse clutch circuit. The 35 reverse clutch fluid is then routed through orifice #25 to the 3-5-reverse clutch assembly, through orifice #6 to the spring end of the 3-5-reverse clutch regulator valve and through orifice #33 to the #4 ball check valve.
3-5-Reverse Clutch
35 reverse clutch fluid enters the 3-5-reverse and 4-5-6 clutch housing assembly to move the 3-5-reverse clutch piston against spring force and exhaust backfill fluid pressure to apply the 3-5-reverse clutch plates.
#4 Ball Check Valve
35 reverse clutch feed fluid unseats the #4 ball check valve, allowing excess pressure to pass into the actuator feed limit circuit. This helps to control clutch apply fluid pressure and clutch apply feel.
PCS 35 reverse clutch fluid is also routed to an accumulator valve. The accumulator valve is used to dampen any pressure irregularities occurring in the PCS 35 reverse clutch fluid circuit. This helps to control clutch apply fluid pressure and clutch apply feel.
26 Pressure Control (PC) Solenoid
The 26 PC solenoid is commanded OFF, allowing PCS 26 clutch fluid to exhaust from the 2-6 clutch regulator valve.
2-6 Clutch Regulator Valve
2-6 clutch regulator valve spring force moves the valve to the released position, allowing 26 clutch fluid from the 2-6 clutch to pass through the valve and enter the exhaust backfill fluid circuit.
2-6 Clutch
2-6 clutch spring force moves the 2-6 clutch piston to release the 2-6 clutch plates and force 26 clutch fluid to exhaust from the transmission case assembly. The exhausting 26 clutch fluid pressure is routed to the 2-6 clutch regulator valve where it enters the exhaust backfill fluid circuit.
Exhaust Manifold Heat Shield Installation
Install the exhaust manifold heat shield (2).
Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution.
Install the 3 exhaust manifold heat shield bolts (1) and the washers and
tighten to 8 Y (71 lb in).
Valve Guide Reaming, and Valve and Seat Grinding
Valve Cleaning Procedure
Use soft bristle wire brush to clean any carbon build-up from the valve
head. DO NOT use a wire brush on any part of the valve stem. The valve stem
is chrome plated to provide enhanced wear characteristics. Wire brushing
the stem could remove the chr ...
Evaporative Emission Control System Description
Typical Evaporative Emission (EVAP) System Hose Routing Diagram
Evaporative Emissions (EVAP) Purge Solenoid Valve
EVAP Canister
EVAP Vapor Tube
Vapor Recirculation Tube
(5) ...