Chevrolet Sonic manuals

Chevrolet Sonic Owner's Manual: Driving for Better Fuel Economy

Driving habits can affect fuel mileage. Here are some driving tips to get the best fuel economy possible.

Engine Oil Life System
The engine oil life system calculates engine oil life based on vehicle use and displays the %CHANGE message on the DIC when it is necessary to change the engine oil and filter. Remember, the oil ...

Roadside Assistance Program
U.S.: 1-800-243-8872 TTY Users (U.S. Only): 1-888-889-2438 Canada: 1-800-268-6800 As the owner of a new Chevrolet, you are automatically enrolled in the Roadside Assistance program. See Roadside ...

Other materials:

Theft Deterrent Module Replacement
Theft Deterrent Module Replacement Callout Component Name Preliminary Procedure Remove the steering column upper trim cover. Refer to Steering Column Upper Trim Cover Replacement. Remove the steering column lower trim ...

Rear Door Lock Cylinder Replacement
Rear Door Lock Cylinder Replacement Callout Component Name 1 Rear Side Door Lock Cylinder Opening Cover Screw Access Plug Tip: Use a flat-bladed tool to remove the cover. 2 Rear ...

Main Shaft Disassemble (Gen 1)
Table 1: 1st Gear Removal Table 2: 1st Gear Blocking Rings Removal Table 3: 1st and 2nd Gear Synchronizer Hub Retaining Ring Removal Table 4: 1st and 2nd Gear Synchronizer Hub and 2nd Gear Removal Table 5: 2nd Gear Bearing Remova ...

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