Chevrolet Sonic manuals

Chevrolet Sonic Repair Manual: Low and Reverse Clutch Assembly and Low and Reverse Clutch Plate Installation

Chevrolet Sonic Repair Manual / Powertrain / Transmission/Transaxle / Transmission Oil Cooler / Transmission Unit / Low and Reverse Clutch Assembly and Low and Reverse Clutch Plate Installation

Low and Reverse Clutch Assembly and Low and Reverse Clutch Plate Installation


Component Name


Low and Reverse Clutch Assembly (OWC)


  • The Low and Reverse Clutch Assembly should rotate freely in one direction and lock in the opposite direction.
  • With the valve body face at the 6 o?lock position, align the large flat areas of the low and reverse clutch assembly between the 2 o?lock and 5 o?lock position.


Low and Reverse Clutch Backing Plate


Low and Reverse Clutch Plate Assembly (Qty: 3)


Low and Reverse Clutch Plate (Qty: 3)


With the valve body face at the 6 o?lock position, align the large flat areas of the low and reverse clutch plate between the 2 o?lock and 5 o?lock position.


Low and Reverse Clutch Apply (Waved) Plate


  • With the valve body face at the 6 o?lock position, align the large flat areas of the low and reverse clutch apply plate between the 2 o?lock and 5 o?lock position.
  • Ensure the correct waved plate is being installed. The 1??? clutch and low and reverse clutch waved plates are visually similar, however the low and reverse clutch waved plate is thicker.
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