Chevrolet Sonic Repair Manual: Piston, Connecting Rod, and Bearing Installation
Special Tools
EN-470-B Angular Torque Wrench
For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools.
- Adjust the piston ring joints as follows:
- Upper compression ring (1).
- Lower compression ring (4).
- Oil rings (2) or (3).
- Oil ring spacer (5).
- The arrow (1) on the piston head must point to the timing side.
- The markings on the connecting rods (2) must point to the transmission side.
- Install a piston ring compressor to compress the piston rings.
- Install the pistons (1) in along with connecting rods (2) and upper connecting
rod bearings (3) to the engine block and to the crankshaft.
The flarings (arrows) on the connecting rod bearing caps
must point to the transmission side. The connecting rod bearing caps must
be installed in their original position.
- Install the 2 connecting rod bearings and the 2 connecting rod bearing caps (2)
of cylinder 1 and 4.
Refer to Fastener Caution.
Refer to Torque-to-Yield Fastener Caution.
Do not reuse the old bolts.
- Install the 4 NEW connecting rod bearing cap bolts (1) and tighten in the
following sequence:
- Tighten the connecting rod bearing cap bolts to 25 Y (18 lb ft)
- Tighten the connecting rod bearing cap bolts an additional 45 degrees.
Use EN-470 B wrench.
- Rotate the crankshaft 180 degrees.
The flarings (arrows) on the connecting rod bearing caps
must point to the transmission side. The connecting rod bearing caps must
be installed in their original position.
- Install the 2 connecting rod bearings and the 2 connecting rod bearing caps (2)
of cylinder 3 and 2.
Do not reuse the old bolts.
- Install the 4 NEW connecting rod bearing cap bolts (1) and tighten in the
following sequence:
- Tighten the connecting rod bearing cap bolts to 25 Y (18 lb ft)
- Tighten the connecting rod bearing cap bolts an additional 45 degrees.
Use EN-470–B wrench.
Special Tools
EN-470-B Angular Torque Wrench
For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools.
Visual Inspection And Cleaning Procedure
Connecting Rod
Warning: Wear safety gla ...
Install the crankshaft balancer bolt.
Set the pistons 1 and 4 to TDC in direction of engine rotation.
Note: Note cylinder sequence.
Mark the connecting rod with the ...
Other materials:
Selecting an Auxiliary Device
Connect the auxiliary device to the AUX input terminal. Play will begin when
the system has finished reading the information on the device.
If the storage device is already connected, press
, audio, Source
, select AUX from the drop down menu.
Checking Engine Oil
It is a good idea to check the engine oil level at each fuel fill. In order to
get an accurate reading, the oil must be warm and the vehicle must be on level ground.
The engine oil dipstick handle is a loop. See Engine Compartment Overview for the location of the engine oil dipstick.
1. I ...
Tire Terminology and Definitions
Air Pressure
The amount of air inside the tire pressing outward on each square inch
of the tire. Air pressure is expressed in kPa (kilopascal) or psi (pounds per
square inch).
Accessory Weight
The combined weight of optional accessories. Some examples of optional
access ...
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