Chevrolet Sonic manuals

Chevrolet Sonic Repair Manual: Cooling Fan Description and Operation (LWE, LUW)

Chevrolet Sonic Repair Manual / Powertrain / Engine / Engine Cooling / Radiator Fan / Cooling Fan Description and Operation (LWE, LUW)

System Overview

The engine cooling fan system is composed of one cooling fan, 2 relays, the engine control module (ECM), and the associated wiring. The cooling fan assembly includes 1 resistor mounted in the cooling fan shroud. The cooling fan resistor may be a stand alone component, or a part of the cooling fan motor and harness assembly. This combination of components enables the ECM to operate the cooling fan at 2 speeds using two fan control circuits. The ECM will operate the cooling fan at either Low or High speed based on the cooling requirements.

Low Speed Operation

The ECM applies ground at the FAN 1 control circuit for the coil side of the low speed cooling fan relay. The energized low speed relay switch closes to supply B+ through the cooling fan resistor, to the engine cooling fan motor. The result is cooling fan operation at a reduced speed.

High Speed Operation

The ECM applies ground at the FAN 2 control circuit for the coil side of the cooling fan high speed relay. The energized high speed relay switch closes to supply B+ directly to the engine cooling fan motor, by-passing the cooling fan resistor. The result is cooling fan operation at full speed.

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