If Steam Is Coming from the Engine Compartment
Steam from an overheated engine can burn you badly, even if you just open
the hood. Stay away from the engine if you see or hear steam coming from it. Just
turn it off and get everyone away from the vehicle until it cools down. Wait until
there is no sign of steam or coolant before yo ...
Rear Side Door Window Outer Sealing Strip Replacement (Sedan)
Rear Side Door Window Outer Sealing Strip Replacement
Component Name
Rear Side Door Window Outer Sealing Strip
Use the appropriate tool, lift one end up and pull away from the door
flange t ...
Crankshaft Front Oil Seal Replacement
Special Tools
EN-960 Installer
EN-45000 Remover Oil seal
For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools.
Removal Procedure
Remove the crankshaft balancer. Refer to Crankshaft Balancer Replacement.
Place a drain pan underneath the front crankshaft seal area.